No. 1 - A New Day

IMPORTANT: If participating in this email via your phone or tablet, please note the "sign up cart" is only visible at the end of this web page, unless using a computer.

Dear NMS Families and Supporters,

Welcome to our first Flash Text, No. 1 A New Day.

Below are a list of critical steps to take in order to start the academic year off successfully. There are 5 steps total.

As you work through each of them, please add the individual items and then "check-out" all at once. You will NOT be required to provide credit card details at time of "check-out."

Dates to Remember

STEP 1 - Select Open Forum Date

Open Forum's will cover new programs and class offerings, as NMS fully implements its learning curriculum. We kindly ask all students, including adults, to attend an Open Forum Date.

STEP 2 - Sign Up for Workshop Auditions (if applying)

Description — If you are interested in Chamber Music, Collaborative Piano, or the Music Theatre Training Center, we are hosting audition workshops on the days listed below. Please sign up for the workshop below.

STEP 3 - Register for Theory Class

Space is very limited for each class and each semester.

Description — This year we are formally adding theory classes based on the eight Music Development Program (MDP) levels with the Royal Conservatory in Canada.

If you are unaware of the class level your child should sign up for, please take the Theory Placement Exam. The test takes is broken into three parts representing the three MDP levels we are offering this Fall. If your child struggles in any way, sign up for Level 1. The test should take less than 5 minutes.

STEP 4 - Sign up for Placement Jury

All students will perform a placement jury to determine which level the student will begin in our learning curriculum. Juries will be further explained at our Open Forum. Times will be individually scheduled upon receipt.

Last Step
STEP 5 - Add the NMS Calendar

Description — This year we have added all the activities for NMS on one master calendar so that parents and adult students can plan a up to a year in advance. You can access it at, or you can add it to your digital device and/or calendar program on your computer.

Warning: If you add it to your computer, please add it is as a SEPARATE calendar. Do NOT MERGE it with your current calendar. This way, you can turn the calendar on or off without it affecting your family/work calendars.

For IOS (Apple Devices): 

  1. Go to Settings on your device

  2. Go to Mail, Contacts, and Calendars

  3. Go to Add Account

  4. Go to Other

  5. Go to Add Subscribed Calendar

  6. Copy this link:

  7. Paste link where it says server

  8. Click Next

  9. Important: Toggle where it says Remove Alarms so it is Green

  10. Click Next

  11. Then Save

  12. Open Calendar App

  13. Click on Calendars at the bottom

  14. You should see NMS Academic Calendar under Subscribed. Here you can uncheck it or check it if you would like to see it.

  15. Important: Click the check mark next to the calendar name

  16. Scroll to bottom

  17. Under notifications, you can turn on or off the notifications here too

For MAC computers:

  1. Go to Calendar App

  2. Go to File

  3. Go to New Calendar Subscription

  4. Copy and Paste this link:

  5. Important: Personalize your settings

  6. Click Ok

  7. You will find under Other Calendars, the NMS Academic Calendar. You can check or uncheck it anytime to see events for NMS.

For Android and PC Devices:

Please consult your directions provided by your service provider and computer. Calendar link is same as above.


No. 2 - NMS — LISTEN