New Music School

Theory is a requirement for all students at New Music School.

Under the direction of acclaimed composer Gonzalo Garrido-Lecca, New Music School’s multi-faceted theory program stands apart. Dr. Garrido-Lecca’s approach to the study of music theory emphasizes the connection between theory and performance and how understanding a piece's musical structure allows an in-depth perspective of its composition. Music theory at NMS is less of a dry academic discipline but rather an artistic endeavor.

Theory at New Music School uses the Music Development Program from the Royal Conservatory of Music for students 18 & Under. Lessons are available onsite at the theory table, online or in private study.

Table Theory - In a welcoming setting, table theory is designed to combine both group and private instruction. Students work through their books, while a theory instructor is available to assist, using a variety of instructional methods to enable collaboration and demonstration. These sessions are 30 minutes long, and can be taken before or after a lesson

Online Theory - Students log online to study with Dr. Gonzalo during his Open Theory Hours. Online theory is an accessible option for students who are fulfilling their theory requirement off-site.

Private Theory - Students can study theory privately in a 1:1 setting online or in-person at New Music School.

Adult Theory - Adult theory is available both in a classroom or private lesson setting. 

Theory in Instrumental Lessons - Students can elect to have their theory instruction during their private lessons with their private teacher. Cost for this instruction is at the rate of the private lesson teacher. Students must take a minimum 45 minute private lesson to have theory included in their private lesson.

Theory Schedule

Theory Tutoring Online for 18 & Under Students

  1. Join Dr. Gonzalo online during his Open Theory Hours.

    Monday from 4pm -7pm -Wednesday from 4pm -7pm
    Saturday from 10 am - 1pm and 2pm - 5pm

    Googlemeet link:
    *Please use your email address to use the links

  2. Email your completed homework to Dr. Gonzalo at for him to review. Please put the student’s name in the subject line of the email.

  3. Dr. Gonzalo will email back his feedback and suggestions and assign more work to be completed.

Table Theory Schedule

Stop by the theory table at New Music School for 30 minutes before or after your lesson.

Wednesday: 3:30-6:30pm
Thursday: 4pm-7pm
Saturday: 9:30am - 4pm
Sunday: 12pm - 5pm

Group Theory Class

Students will learn overall themes in music theory and go through ear training exercises. Group classes do NOT replace individual instruction time.

Monday - House of Mozart @ 7pm
Googlemeet link:

Wednesday - House of Bach @ 7pm
Googlemeet link: