Standard Jury & Placement Jury

Upcoming Jury Days:

Strings - Saturday April 26th: between 3-7
Woodwinds - Sunday April 27th between 10-11 Piano - Sunday April 27th: between 11-7

Students enrolled in lessons are required to perform juries in front of a panel of faculty members and advisors in the Fall and Spring Semester. Due to our curriculum approach, private instructors are asked to perform evaluations of their 18 and under students each semester at semester juries. Juries provide valuable assessment of progress and achievement so that NMS may best address the specific needs of a student with focus and care. Student’s general progress on their instruments, and specific progress in relation to the curriculum will serve as the basis for determining assignments in ensembles and in establishing ongoing individual goals for each student.The performances will allow NMS to measure student progress in relation to curricular benchmarks to ensure that they are being instructed at the highest standard.

Jury Types:

New students at New Music School will be encouraged, when ready, by their teacher to complete a placement jury. Upon completion of your placement jury, students will be evaluated for their performance level and assigned a NMS House.

After you’ve been placed, you will be required to complete a standard jury every semester for which you’re enrolled. Upon completion of your standard jury, comments will be returned to the students and their teacher. Students must complete juries to pass out of their current level and into their next NMS House. 

The NMS Houses:

  • House of Bach - Foundational

  • House of Mozart - College Prep

  • House of Beethoven - College Prep

  • House of Ravel - Undergraduate Level

  • House of Glass - Graduate Level

The purpose of juries are to track students progress through the New Music School curriculum by evaluating repertoire, etudes, and technical scales. Your private teacher will help you select what to play for the jury.

Jury Registration:

Considering Juries are a pillar of our curriculum at New Music School, we’ve decided to stream-line the process this year and administration assign all 18 and under students a jury date and time. There is no need to sign-up for juries! You will be emailed your student’s jury date and time one month in advance so that we can make any necessary accommodations. All jury related questions can be directed to


The Jury fee is included in your House Tuition Flat Fee.