New Music School Attendance Policy
The NMS year is broken into four semesters:
Fall — Sixteen weeks
Spring — Sixteen weeks
Summer 1 — Eight weeks
Summer II — Eight weeks
Attendance is mandatory at all scheduled lessons. Regular lesson attendance is required to maintain the quality of your education. There will be no refunds in any form given for missed lessons.
Cancellations made for any reason within 24 hours of your lesson or no call no show are not eligible for a make up lesson.
Students are allowed up to two make-up lessons per semester at the discretion of the instructor. Lessons missed and not made up within the semester are forfeited. It is not the administration’s responsibility to ensure your make-up lessons are accounted for or all registered lessons have taken place. Your instructor keeps track of your lessons and all make up requests must go directly to them.
Lessons canceled by your teacher will be made up at a mutually agreed upon time within the enrolled semester from the missed lesson.
Unexcused absences are non-refundable. An unexcused absence is any absence that does not follow the above guidelines.Three unexcused absences, constitute grounds for immediate dismissal from NMS without reimbursement for any remaining lessons in the term at the discretion of the director. Following dismissal a student may petition for reinstatement to NMS and such reinstatement will be at the sole discretion of the administration and the instructor.
Tardiness is not accepted at NMS. If a student is more than 15 minutes late to a private lesson, he or she will be given an unexcused absence. If the lesson is given, the teacher will stop at the predetermined time so as to not inconvenience fellow students and parents schedules. If a teacher travels for an in-home lesson and nobody is home and the teacher waits ten (10) minutes after the lesson time, the teacher is not required to stay for the remainder of the time and will result in lost lesson fees. Students must have the required materials for lessons. In the event materials are not present and there is not a copy of the music, the NMS faculty member reserves the right to not teach the lesson.
All students should prepare for their lessons. In the event that a student is unprepared or refusing to learn the material, it is at the discretion of the NMS faculty member to give the lesson or a partial lesson at the parent’s expense. Parents will be advised when a student is unprepared.
If enrolled prior to the start of the semester a request to withdraw must be made in writing via email to and submitted to the NMS administration within 30 days after the semester start date. The request to withdraw is only active from the date the written or email notice is received. If sending by email, a return email from the NMS administration must be received to verify receipt. Verbal notification of withdrawal, informing one’s instructor of withdrawal, stopping or withholding payment, or not attending private lessons, rehearsal, or class does not constitute withdrawing from NMS programs. Once a student withdraws within our policy timeline, (a refund for private lessons that were not had will be refunded upon agreement with the instructor). If you withdraw after 30 days from the semester start, no refund of any kind will be given for the canceled class(es). The final payment in full will be made on the day of the last lesson to close out the account. If enrolling 30 days after the start of the semester, the withdrawal time frame is forfeited.
Course Cancellation
NMS maintains the right to cancel any program at any time for any reason. If the program is canceled, paid fees or prorated portions thereof will be placed onto the customers account to be used as credit towards the account balance.
For questions about policies, billing and rates, please contact our administration. For individual questions about scheduling, please contact your NMS Staff at 312-612-1969.